Friday, September 25, 2009
PULANG BERAYA ~ FERI... Desa tercinta
Thursday, September 24, 2009
hanyalah kenangan..............
And the memories always stay there….. as long as u never forgot abt it….
And me… always walk thru the memories… it’s hard for me to let go all the memories… sometime I cannot move anywhere just because I stuck in “PAST LIFE” emmmmmmm…..
i try very hard to forgot the past!! I try to start a new chapter, New story, New People..
I try n try n finally…. I did it!! I have found my new life… I have started a new chapter in my life… I enjoy it very well… I learn all new things. I feel so wonderful n I was very happy … happy all the time…………
But… there is something we have to agree about life!!
New chapter or old chapter….. there is still have story behind the chapter…
U like it or not….. u have to deal wth it……….
There is life!! And once again I STUCK in MEMORIES………………..
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sayangku Erica....
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My Senior TURN to My Relative
We have meet again at face book... a few month ago... I'm so happy when first time she call me after she accept my friend request!!! What a wonderful moment!!!! i miss her so much!!!
We close!! really close!! Coz she is my senior.. We stay in same DORM.. i have to stay at hostel when i was in High School.... Sometimes we share bed also... ha..ha.. specially after we listen to GHOST STORY!!! ha..ha... it's really make me remember the other sister...
Where r they....
where is kak shima...kak wana..kak haza..kak effa... ( she the one who like to act like a ghost!! she have vry long hair..... kak effa... rindu sangat!!!! ) I try to find all my x hostel girl.. doesn't matter my senior... my junior or same batch wth me..... sure HEWOK giler when we meet up!!!
Ya ALLAH....izinkan lah kami bertemu kembali... aku pohon padamu Ya Allah... pertemukan lah kami semua.... Amin... Kerana aku teramat rindu pada semua kawan - kawan dan para sahabat ku... Ya Allah... kau lindungilah mereka semua.... Berikan lah kebahagian buat semua para sahabat ku...... Kerna susungguhnya hanya kau yang Maha mengetahui.... Amin....
Emmmm... berbalik kepada kak Cha n Topic nya ~ my senior TURN to My Relative..... this is the story..... jeng..jeng..jeng..... last Saturday 30/05/09.... very history date!!! i should mark in my dairy.... ha..ha..ha....
i have invitation to wedding ceremony frm my father in law side. I never know this family... The grandny of the bridegroom is cousin of my father in law.. Kak cha is married to younger brother of the father of the bridegroom... that 's mean she is the auntie of the bridegroom!!!
Can u guys imagine how we look a like on that day... Oh GOD!!! Susah nak explain.... betul...
First time i saw her.. i so surprise... cannot be her, i try to find my handphone... but my eyes keep staring at her.... then i heard something... i heard she call my name...
Ya Allah... Masa tu Tuhan jer tau.... I jast go to her n hug her.... I miss her so much!! And surprise!! Surprise!! Everybody frm her side keep asking what and what!!!!
that's the story... my senior turn to my relative!!!! what a beautiful live!!! Amin....
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
~ Memories @ kenangan
Kisah seseorang itu pasti mempunyai perbezaan antara satu sama lain… Namun ada sesetengan cerita seseorang itu menyerupai cerita insan lain.Kadang kala kisah yang dilalui oleh kita… dilalui oleh insan lain juga……
Emmmm…. Inilah lumrah alam… cerita silih berganti. Datang dan pergi begitu sahaja.Ada yang berulang…. Ada juga yang terus berlalu tampa sebarang kesan…..
Nanum… aku pasti setiap cerita yang datang dan silih berganti itu, mempunyai kenangan yang tersendiri…. - Love Comments
Kenangan…. Memories… always there , the sweet , the sour , the salty , always mix together… and it’s become a vry sweet things to remember… n never let it go… always in our mind….
How to get memories , emmm… we must have a beginning of the story….. when the story start… the memories also start at that moment….What we go tru is what is going to b a memories , either it’s bad or gud memories is always b a memories….
Emmmm….. sometimes I wonder why should I think about the past things…live in memories … the answer is it’s always there for me , there have a so many things in my past life… I have been tru so many story… so many chapter…. N there have so many people involve in my life too…. There is another chapter after another chapter…
Every chapter have their own story…. Every chapter have memories…. - Love Comments
It’s not easy to start a new chapter in our life, We have to be strong… we have to have faith!! We have to look forward..…. planning n do preparation … we have to be ready in mental and physically…. I’m sure sometimes when we reach to a new chapter , we still remember what happened in the other chapter… it’s normal… we can used all method in last chapter to b use in next chapter… off cause to b the best form the other chapter…. It’s really like the circle ….. Where ever we go we have to have a stop point!!! It is our destiny....
Monday, May 18, 2009
Apa itu masak… or… cooking? What’s cooking…?
Siapa yang akan masak or who going to cook?
Adakah setiap orang itu punya kegemaran untuk memasak?...
Eeeemmm did everybody like to cook?
Can every body cook well?
Eemmmmmmmmmmmm……. Susah nak jawab!!!
Yes!! It’s hard to answer… coz not everyone are born to b a cooker? Am I right?
Sebenarnya masak memerlukan ketulusan hati dan rasa cinta yang mendalam terhadap apa yang hendak dimasak dan untuk siapa ia dimasak…..
Ya..!! it’s true… we have to have a very deep feeling to what we going to cook n to who we going to cook.. the cooker and the food have to have a connection ….
Have to have a sensor of touching….. well… in other words they both have a strong feeling toward each other…..
Rasanya susah nak jawab… Kalau kita Tanya chef pun rasanyer dia akan jawab like this…
“ it’s depend on the ingredient that we used… to get a better tasted we have to used a gud n the best ingredient …” ha..ha..ha… very schema…
To me, masak or cook is something can bring me happiness… I can cook while I feel sad!!! It’s turn me happy…..
But I also cook when I was happy… n it not turn me down!! It’s bring me more.. n more happiness .
Memasak is a part of my life!! I ‘m not full time house wife!! But that’s not a reason to me to avoid my self frm kitchen!!! I love to spend all my day at my kitchen….
(of couse I love my room also….!!! N I love to spend my day there tooo…)
Many other people cook for leaving… they have to cooked!! No choice!! Mothers cook for kids, Wife cooked for husband!! Daughters cooked for parent….. chefs cooked for the customer………
But .. how many of us .. how many of them… cooked without reason…..
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
~ mother ~
Mak Am...
Terima kasih kerana menerima Eja seadanyer.. Sesungguhnye Eja menyayangi mak sama seperti mak ani & mama.. Tak ader bezenyer.... sampai bila2 pun... sampai kehujung nyawa sekali pun...Percayalah...
Tidak pernah sedikit pun kasih sayang itu kurang.... i love u too mama!! No body can take ur part in my heart!
ibu - ibu ku semua.... u r QUEEN OF MY HEART
Saturday, April 18, 2009
CInTa @ LoVe
aku pasti semua orang faham dan tahu makna C.I.N.T.A
tapi aku pasti setiap antara kita punyai pandangan berbeda ttg CINTA.
Bagi aku, Cinta itu amat unik , sukar dimengertikan... kalau dahulu aku sukar utk menerima cinta...
aku sering menolak cinta yang hadir buat buat diri ku....
bagi ku tiadak ada sudahnya CINTA itu.....
Bagi ku CINTA itu satu penyusahan...
Bagi ku CINTA itu hanya satu permainan perasaan.....
Aku menghalang keras diri ku untuk jatuh CINTA.....
Namun aku silap...
Tidak Semua CINTA itu palsu...
Tidak semua CINTA itu harapan kosong...
Dan Aku akui bahawa CINTA itu memang Indah!!
Terima Kasih CINTA!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
friendship never end!!!
i'm really surprise....
after 13th year... i have a chance to c my one of my best frd.... i never had seen her about 13y...
what a big surprise!!
she never change...
she's cute...
she funny...
she happy ending story...... ha..ha..ha...
i miss her so much
benar kata orang.....
true friend ship is not because of we keep calling each other
and it's not lasting also when we meet up everyday.....
as long u have a love toward ur friend....
benar2 ihklas dalam perhubungan........
perpisahan kami adalah disebabkan oleh time,waktu dan ketika.... alah...
susah nak explain....
emmmm..... persahabatan yang kami bina adalah dari keikhlasn hati kami...
and i really thanks to Allah coz still give me a chance to meet her n spend my day with her.....
Syukur, alhamdullillah.....
Ya Allah Ya Robbi.....
Berkatilah persahaban kami sehingga ke akhir hayat ku nanti,
amin.. ya rabbal alamin.....